Breast Lift

Breast lift surgery, or mastopexy, is one of the most popular breast enhancement procedures we offer in our practice. Breast lift is designed to raise and reshape sagging breasts and breasts that have lost volume and elasticity following pregnancy or weight loss. It can also reduce the size of the areola in cases where it has been stretched or enlarged. Mastopexy can raise the nipples to an aesthetically pleasing height.

The Surgery

The surgical technique varies from surgeon to surgeon and patient to patient. At our practice, breast lift takes ninety minutes to three hours to complete under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes an incision around the areola and down the middle of the breast underneath the nipple. From this incision, tissue and/or skin is removed so that the breast can be raised to its new position. In some cases, breast implants are used in conjunction with breast lift surgery to create the desired effect.

Following breast lift surgery, most patients will have a small scar that extends vertically from the bottom center of the nipple underneath the breast.

Because each patient seeking mastopexy surgery is different, there are many different techniques for performing the procedure. If you are considering breast lift surgery, schedule a breast enhancement consultation with us today. Our doctors can discuss your individual case and decide what surgical technique is right for you.

Breast Lift Reviews