Tummy Tuck Miami

Rapid weight changes, pregnancy, weakened abdominal muscles, and a loss of skin elasticity around the lower abdomen can create a sagging and protruding stomach that can’t be improved with diet or exercise. For patients looking to eliminate excess skin and an abdominal bulge, our Miami practice offers abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck.

If you are considering undergoing tummy tuck surgery at our practice check out our before and after gallery for more abdominoplasty photos.

Undergoing Tummy Tuck Surgery

Tummy tuck surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia. During abdominoplasty, Dr. Salzhauer makes an incision across the lower abdomen from hip to hip. He is careful to place the incision so that scars will be hidden below the underwear line. The length of the incisions depends on the extent of the surgery and varies from patient to patient.

After making the incision, Dr. Salzhauer will remove excess skin and tissue, tighten weakened abdominal muscles, and often use liposuction to remove fat. Once the lower abdomen has been sufficiently tightened and flattened, the incision will be closed.

Abdominoplasty after Gastric BypassSurgery

Gastric bypass surgery has proven to be very successful at helping obese patients lose large amounts of weight. Though drastic weight loss can dramatically improve health and self esteem, it can also leave patients with large amounts of loose skin, especially in the abdominal region.

To combat the problem of excess skin, Dr. Salzhauer can perform abdominoplasty on patients after they have lost weight through gastric bypass surgery. The tummy tuck process is the same as that described in the section above: excess skin and tissue are removed and abdominal muscles are tightened. Undergoing abdominoplasty following gastric bypass surgery helps patients at our practice feel more satisfied with their weight loss and more comfortable with their bodies.

If you are considering abdominoplasty after undergoing gastric bypass surgery, contact our Miami practice today.

Recovery Period following Tummy Tuck Surgery

Abdominoplasty varies greatly from patient to patient in terms of the size of incisions and the amount of tissue removed. The recovery period depends on the extent of the surgery. Dr. Salzhauer will discuss the details of your particular situation during your initial tummy tuck consultation at his office.

If you would like to eliminate loose skin and a sagging midsection through tummy tuck surgery, contact our practice and schedule an abdominoplasty consultation.

Tummy Tuck Reviews Miami

Tummy Tuck Miami (Abdominoplasty)